Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Are Humans the cause of Global Warming?

Al Gore’s movie “The Inconvenient Truth”: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/05/060524-global-warming_2.html. This article claims that humans are causing Global Warming and that the effects are devastating. They state that industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have greatly increased atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gases that help trap heat near Earth's surface. They also say that humans are pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere much faster than plants and oceans can absorb it. This theory is believed by most scientists.

Some people can argue that Global Warming has nothing to do with humans. They say that Carbon dioxide has very little influence on global temperatures. Some people compare that to during the Ordovician period; when there was an ice age and carbon dioxide levels were 10-12 times the levels that they are today. Skeptic arguments state that the earth’s climate is far too complicated to have one theory cover all the changes that happened over a course of about 200 years. The fact is that global averages went up by 0.6 degrees Celsius which, I agree, isn’t a lot. There have been times in the last 12, 000 years when the temperature went up 18 F in a course of 20 years. Anthropogenic warming is also doubted because it is stated that Earth has been through many rapid climate changes (such as the ice age) and the earth has been warming ever since. If the earth started warming back then and we weren’t even properly evolved yet, how could we be causing global warming now?

What do you think?

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